Azumanga Daioh chronicles everyday life in an unnamed Japanese high school in Tokyo, following the trials and triumphs of six girls: reserved Sakaki’s obsession with cute animals, Chiyo’s struggle to fit in with girls five years older, Osaka’s spacey nature and skewed perspective on the world, Yomi’s aggravation at an annoying best friend, Tomo, wh… more Azumanga Daioh chronicles everyday life in an unnamed Japanese high school in Tokyo, following the trials and triumphs of six girls: reserved Sakaki’s obsession with cute animals, Chiyo’s struggle to fit in with girls five years older, Osaka’s spacey nature and skewed perspective on the world, Yomi’s aggravation at an annoying best friend, Tomo, whose energy is rivaled only by her lack of sense, and Kagura’s efforts in sports and school. The story covers three years of tests, culture festivals, and athletic events at school, after-school life at the nearby shopping district, at Chiyo’s large house, vacations spent at Chiyo’s summer home on the beach and at Magical Land, a theme park. It is generally realistic in tone, marked by occasional bursts of surrealism and absurdity, such as Osaka’s bizarre imaginings and an episode featuring the characters’ New Year’s dreams.
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Azumanga Daioh Episode 22
Azumanga Daioh
Azumanga Daioh Episode 26
Azumanga Daioh
Azumanga Daioh Episode 25
Azumanga Daioh
Azumanga Daioh Episode 24
Azumanga Daioh
Azumanga Daioh Episode 23
Azumanga Daioh
Azumanga Daioh Episode 21
Azumanga Daioh